Friday 1 November 2013

Happy Halloween from Brian and Katiecat.
Thank you Jen and Owen for sending me these lovely pictures.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Stanley 2 weeks old

Stanley and Hector are two weeks and one day old today.
Both boys are doing brilliantly and mum is doing a wonderful job looking after her small family.
Their eyes have just opened although they can't see much. Their ears are unfolding and look look amazing sweet.They have a busy week ahead of them as they start to learn to take wobbly steps.

Thursday 31 January 2013

Please help find Dante

This is beautiful Dante.
He is a only just 1 year old and has gone missing from his home in Bury Lancashire.
Dante was one of  my  kittens born in November 2011
He went missing from his forever home on Monday 28th January.
He is microchipped
Dante's owners are so sad he hasn't come home and are desperate to find him

Tuesday 22 January 2013

This is an update from Miya's family. She looks absolutely adorable against her snowy backdrop

Monday 21 January 2013

Two little boys

Two beautiful brothers born on Saturday....happy birthday little fellows and well done mum x

Thursday 17 January 2013

awaiting kittens......

Solo is due her kittens today, she seems typically restless which is what happens 24 hours before labour starts. She is keeping me close to her and won't let me out of her sight. I have been looking at photo's of kittens past and my emotions waver from eager anticipation to anxiety about the impending birth...oh I wish they did gas and air for cats.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday kittens

This is Amos Sebastien Blue opening his Christmas presents. Today is Amos' second birthday. Amos shares his birthday with Olive, Balazs, Milo, and Ollie.I remember these kittens like it was yesterday, I can't believe they are two already. Such an amazing bunch of characters.
Happy Birthday Kittens

Sunday 23 December 2012

More Christmas Capers!


More Christmas capers, this time from Dexter. Dexter is really getting into the spirit of things. His family are calling him Dexter the furry fairy!
When he isn't in the tree he is at the bottom of it playing with the bows on the presents.
He has a Dreamie advent calendar and it only takes one shake of the calendar for him to come running for his treat.
What must our cats think. We put up a tree, cover it in cat toys and supply daily treats. I think they will implode with excitement on the big day when we cook the biggest bird they have seen and give them their Christmas dinner.

Saturday 22 December 2012

Roman in the this picture

I have had an update about Roman, a much loved kitten. This is him in the Christmas tree. He is a wonderful boy but a tad naughty!

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Edison Bradley Wiggins

This is Edison Bradley Wiggins giving kisses to his mum. Bradley is one of Eris' kittens, he chose me from the outset and he is my kitten for keeps. He is amazingly sweet and loving as well as being exceptionally curious and occasionally naughty. He has learned to give high fives on demand, such a clever boy. In January Bradley and I are going to the RACCS show. It will be his first show day but I just know it will be so much fun for both of us...can't wait

Sunday 9 December 2012


I have had more wonderful updates. Roman (above) has obviously taken on the role of Cat Nav and is clearly directing the driver Left....must be towards the Dreamie treat shop.
Katie cat is the cat in the hat and she looks adorable in her millinery. Her playmate, a Russian Blue by the name of Brian, who is normally a boisterous boy, plays dead when the hats come out for fear of being dressed up!
The kitten in the far bottom picture is Indigo who has only been in his forever home for a few days in is already in charge and looking very relaxed. I loves these pics, thanks to everyone for sending them to me.



Thursday 22 November 2012

This is an update from Luka's family. He hasn't posed for these picture's, Luka actually gets himself under the throw on the bed. He looks so adorable, what a beautiful boy. The other photo I was sent was of Luka on the mantle piece. The mantle is apparently out of bounds but it looks like Luka is pretending to be an ornament in order  to blend in and not get told off.


Sunday 18 November 2012

Bradley and Button

This is Bradley and Button-Thomas, my new guy and my old boy.  Button-Thomas is my very old Siamese boy. I bought my first Russian as a companion for him. Being Siamese he was very highly strung and had become extremely anxious, pulling out his own fur. I researched what breed would be the best to help calm him down and came across the even tempered Russian. I couldn't have chosen a better breed than the Russian, it was a perfect match for both Button and me.
Bradley is the kitten I am keeping for myself from Eris's litter. He is 12 weeks old and already a very firm member of the family.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Luna in Singapore

I have had a lovely surprise, an update from little Luna in Singapore. She looks so beautiful and is obviously benefiting from the warmer climate. Her family describe her as extra special and I certainly don't disagree to that. Luna was an only kitten and my daughter Holly was extremely close to her. It was a treat for us both to see her looking so well.
Today is leaving day also for four kittens. A very mischievous and intelligent kitten named Dexter is leaving this evening. He is very accustomed to his name!! Dexter will bring his new owners lots of laughter. He is endearing and fun.
Alfie is also leaving today. He likes to act like a tough guy but is as soft as putty at heart. Alfie is going to share his family with a pet dog so our Pixie puppy has taught him all aspects of dog grooming.
Leaving together is Jasper and another beautiful kitten also called Luna. Luna, like her other namesake is stunningly beautiful. She is very silver and has the softest expression. Luna is as gentle in looks as she is in spirit. Luna has been a real cuddly kitten who has rarely left my side.
Leaving with Luna is Jasper. He is a playful tyke who will provide the entertainment in his new home. Jasper is a determined guy,motivated by treats and knows who in the house has the warmest lap to snuggle on.
I am going to miss them all.
There has been no telling off today and even worktops have been walked on without chastisement.
Good luck little kitties, your families are all very excited about taking you to your new homes. x

Friday 2 November 2012

Grace and Hector

This is Grace (on the left) with her feline friend Hector.
Grace is now two years old and it is wonderful to see her looking so beautiful.
Grace went to live with her family that included a much older cat called Heidi.
Hector is a recent addition to the family. He is a rescue kitten and being black he was very lucky to be adopted as black cats are the least adopted cats from rescues centres.
He has found himself a purrfect home. Lynne is a brilliant slave to her cats. Heidi the old cat can now get some peace as Grace still has lots of energy  now plays endlessly with Hector. What a great happy cat family.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Happy Birthday Kate Cat

This is Kate tucking into her birthday tea today. Thank you Jen and Owen for the lovely picture and update. Kate shares her second birthday with her sisters Grace and my girl frost along with their wonderful brother Luka.
A very happy birthday to you all x

Saturday 13 October 2012

I have had a Mr. Smudge update.
he looks amazing in his photographs. It is wonderful to see him looking so happy and healthy. What a handsome adolescent he is.
His family say that he is an extra special cat ( I always thought so) Mr.Smudge amazes all who visit with how friendly and affectionate he is. ( I know he is just frisking people for treats).
His favourite thing though is evening time sitting between his people and watching x-factor, Mr Smudge lies on his back with his paws crossed...The contestants must sound better from that angle.

Monday 8 October 2012

Bradley (no collar) play fighting with Jason

This is Bradly (no collar) play fighting with Jason. Saphi is the kitten in the background who falls off the chair. Don't worry she is fine but it makes me laugh every time I watch it.
 Bradly is my new addition, he is Eris' first kitten and I get to keep him. At last a kitten I don't have to say goodbye to.  Bradley's dad is Grand Champion Kremlinkatz Boris Blue who resides with Julie in Derbyshire.  Eris, Bradley's mum has a wonderful friendly disposition. I had seen Boris Blue whilst visiting a few shows and was more than a little impressed with his friendly nature, I knew he would make a good match for Eris and the result is my wonderful little Brad....Welcome to the fold young man.

Sunday 30 September 2012


I have had an update from Luna in Singapore to say that she is already very settled. She has been described as a very special kitten who is calm and affectionate. Luna always had the loudest purr and I have been reassured that her purring continues. This is a picture my daughter took of Luna just before Luna left for Singapore and as you can see Luna is an amazing kitten

Thursday 27 September 2012

Beautiful Luna arrives in Singapore

Some months back now, a very naughty Solo leaped from a bedroom window to join Boris who was playing in the netted garden. I did manage to quickly retrieve Solo and I had thought/ hoped no shinanigins had gone June a single kitten by the name of Luna arrived! So much for kitten free summer. When baby Luna was only a few weeks old Solo wanted nothing more to do with her beautiful kitten. It was left to my family and I to bring up Luna. She was an utter scamp. being the centre of attention and having no feline disciplinarian meant she was more than a little spoilt but oh what fun she gave us. She has the biggest purr of any kitten I have ever known. She was fearless and clever although she didn't seem to realise she was feline and not human. Luna is the most interactive female kitten I have ever known and she stole my heart hook line and sinker. Luna's forever family live in Singapore. During the summer they came over from Singapore and visited her such was their dedication to their new family member. Yesterday I tearfully took Luna to Heathrow where a gentleman from Parair boarded her on a 13 hour BA flight. I have spent a very restless night tracking her flight and this morning I was relieved to find out Luna has arrived safely. She has a wonderful family waiting for her and a very excited young human slave by the name of Anna who is desperate to welcome her new feline friend.
It has been the most wonderful three months for me, getting to know Luna and helping her discover the world. She is one of the most amazing female kittens I have ever had the pleasure to know and although I know she has a wonderful family of her own I will miss her and I won't be forgetting this gray bundle of trouble/fun.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Anoushka packs for her holidays!

Anoushka's has heard of her owners travel plans and has decided to ensure that they pack the essentials!Anoushka will have to make do with spending a few days here. I know it's not her home any more but it will be lovely to see her again. Having to say goodbye to kittens is such a pull on the heart strings but seeing them as happy healthy adults gives me such a lift. Anoushka looks so like her daddy, I love that playful look in her eye.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

I have had a lovely update from Coco Ana. She clearly loves the garden and can be seen inspecting the flowers, ensuring that the two leggeds are keeping the fauna and flora in good order.
She also recently kept a very close eye on a visiting plumber who had come to fix a bathroom tap. She apparently followed him and sat on the loo seat inspecting his work and making sure he was the doing the job correctly.
Luna may look very regal and Princess like but I am informed by her humans that she likes to make her presence known and is apt to crashing around everywhere.
I am sure she can be forgiven for any disturbance caused, especially with her adorable expression

Sunday 2 September 2012

Victoria Pendleton

The kitten's are all named after our Olympic cyclist's. This is Victoria Pendleton and true to her fame she also likes to look good for the camera. A very pretty little lady. Chris Hoy, one of the boy kittens is a sweet boy who like his name say likes a bit of a cry, quite vocal for a Russian kitten.

Monday 27 August 2012

We have kittens

We have tiny kittens again.
Eris has had her first litter. Eris is my Champion girl and the father of her beautiful kittens is a Champion boy from a wonderful experienced Show/breeder in Derby shire.
One of these little kittens is for me to keep so it is an extra special litter.
I hope to keep a boy for myself and hopefully we will have a lot of fun on the Show bench together.
Exciting times

Saturday 7 July 2012

Roman looking stunning

I have had some wonderful updates recently. This is Roman who I think looks stunning. He is a very special companion to his human mum and has been providing her with entertainment as well as lots of affection. As for his human dad I have a picture of Roman playing chicken with the lawn mower as his owner tried to cut the grass....Roman turned it into a more time consuming chore.
Another update was from Archie and Blue. They are two very different brothers who live together, Fortunately they do compliment each other with Archie being bold and adventurous and Blue being a bit of a softy.
There was also an update was from Smudge (the 2nd). Smudge has had a bit of a tricky time and had a mystery illness for a couple of weeks. Thankfully he is now all better, he family adore him, he certainly isn't treated as a pet but very much the 5th family member.
Today is also the birthday of Ferdinand who lives in Singapore and of Ana who lives in Scotland, Happy Birthday you two

Sunday 17 June 2012

Amos and his Loc8tor collar

 Amos Sebastien Blue inspecting a bird box!
Amos is wearing a loc8tor tracking collar. This is a radio transmitter collar that gives off a signal that can be traced by owner.
His owners describe it as a wonderful  invention and I have to agree.
The kittens are so well socialised and this does make them too friendly for their own good at times, they have little sense of danger and can get themselves in difficult up trees inspecting bird boxes.
The loc8tor pet allows cats to have freedom whilst giving owners the security of finding their pet should their cats try to wonder.

Thursday 14 June 2012

My little Eris (Champion Loveblues Lola) is now 15 months old and has been to the vets today for a blood test prior to going to stud. My stud boy Boris, is Eris’ dad, so she has to be wined and dined by an unrelated boy.

Prior going to stud it is routine for the ladies to be blood tested and vetted as well. The test results are back tomorrow and then she is off to meet her man on Saturday. I have chosen a boy for her who has an amazingly friendly personality. He is from a lovely show home as well and this makes for the perfect mix for me...I hope Eris approves.

On another note Ana who was spayed almost a week ago is feeling a lot better, she is less clingy now and is just her usual self. Ana is due to have her stitches out on Monday and her wound looks clean and dry. I have add a picture of her taken today, which is day six post op. There won’t be any fur grow for several weeks yet so it still looks a bit dramatic. Ana has thankfully left her stitches alone.

Monday 11 June 2012

Brian and Kate having cuddles

This is Brian and Kate having a nap together,they look so sweet together. Thank you Jen and Owen for the wonderful photograph.                                                      Ana has been back to the vets today for a check up after her spay operation. She is healing nicely although she still seems to need my company so I think she must be feeling a bit vulnerable. The vet mentioned that Ana had a very large cyst on her ovary so it was a good thing she was neutered when she was. The possible cause for the cyst was probably due to the Ovarid medication Ana had been on to prevent her getting pregnant. Ana needed to rest in between litters and the only way to do this without her getting distressed was by using medication, The problem is the medication has side effects and breeders often find themselves between a rock and a hard place when cats are "in season" but a rest is what is needed. Anyway Ana is doing ok, she is asking for lots of cuddles and I am only to happy to give them

Sunday 10 June 2012

Sasha.....oh dear

I have just had an update from Sasha's owners. She has been in her forever home for a week and is obviously very comfortable.
I just had to post this picture of her climbing the cupboards...what a very naughty kitten but the picture made me laugh out loud. This is just typical of Sasha's playful antics. I do hope she didn't tuck into Sunday dinner!
We all have our faults

Saturday 9 June 2012

William demands a cappuccino!

Ana is doing fine after her spay operation. She is a little more needy today and has been asking for extra cuddles but her wound is healing nicely.
The wonderful photograph is of William. He is one of Ana's grand kittens. William’s owner has just emailed me to say all went well with his yearly check up and that extra time had to be allocated at the vets due to all the fuss that was made of him.

Friday 8 June 2012

This is Ana just a few hours after her neutering surgery. I have been a wreck today whilst waiting for the vet to phone to let me know Ana was fine and I could collect her.
At midday the nurse called to say everything had gone ok and that Ana could be collected at 2.30.
I picked up a wide eyed and not too pleased Ana. I brought her home and put her in a quiet room with a heat pad. The first thing she did was eat and eat. She had been starved from 7 pm the following evening but Ana behaved like she hadn't eaten for a week.
I thought Ana would want to rest but she was having none of it. Ana strolled around like nothing has happened. I am following her around in an attempt to stop her jumping but Ana just wants to be her normal self.
I have posted a picture of her incision just as a matter of interest.
Ana has had a flank incision which is fine for a |Russian cat. The vet nurse has been frugal with the shaving. I have known cats who have had nearly all the fur shaved off from around the hip so Ana's shaving and wound is quite minimal by comparison.
Ana has no "lamp shade" collar on, she is aware of her stitches but so far she has left them alone.
I haven't seen Ana use her litter tray yet but she she happy and content so I am sure all is well.
Humans would need a morphine pump and a lot of sympathy....not Ana, she is back in charge and overseeing the house as usual, wonderful wonderful girl.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Ana gets ready for her "op"

My beautiful Ana is going under the vets knife tomorrow. After six years of being mum Ana is finally retiring and tomorrow she will be neutered.
It was because of Ana I became a breeder. I had never intended to breed but after bringing her home as a kitten I was so smitten with the Russian breed there was no going back.Ana and I began going to Shows and meeting breeders. the rest is history.
Ana has given me so many wonderful kittens over the years. Her first kitten was Paddy, a very handsome boy, then there was Stanley,Teddy, Kate and Grace. Amongst Ana's many wonderful kittens was a soul mate of mine Tsar.
Ana has brought so many wonderful kittens into the world and is grandma to many more. She is of course mother to my cats Solo and Frost. Frost's first litter has just left for their forever homes, so as Ana's breeding career is over and Frost's journey is beginning.
I am very anxious about tomorrow, and I can't begin to describe how nervous I am about her having an anaesthetic. I am sure this time tomorrow all will be fine

Sunday 3 June 2012

Sasha in her new home

This is Sasha who went to her forever home today. It was over a five hour journey to her new home but  once there  she had her minions under the paw within the hour.
This is her wondering what's for tea!
Thank you Pam for giving her a wonderful home

Monday 28 May 2012

Coco Anna in her forever home

Kitten leaving day arrives again.
The kitten's have started to leave and this time seems tougher than ever for me.
You would think I would be used to this by now but I just seem to get worse each time they leave. I know I can't keep them all and they are going to wonderful wonderful homes, but the house get quieter each time one of my tinygray furry babies leave.
Equally though, the excitement and wonderment on the new owners faces when they arrive to collect their new family addition is priceless. I couldn't ask for more, these amazing kittens are going to homes where they can be fussed over and mollycoddled, treated like royalty and have families of their own to see to their every whim.
Leaving day for me is a roller coaster time for sure

Monday 21 May 2012

Tonight was one of those restless nights when sleep is hard to come by.
I decided at midnight to get up and do some chores.
I changed bed linen, turned mattress, washed floors, folded clean laundry, washed dirty laundry, cleaned litter boxes and sorted out the dishwasher.
Throughout this very restless night Mabel followed me around everywhere. She sat near me and watched intently, keeping me company and making me smile. The rest of the house was sound asleep, both human and felines where all tucked up  in their beds. Mabel kept me company in the wee small quiet hours, anxieties just melted away. This wonderful little kitten would not leave my side.
Mabel is going to her forever home at the weekend.
Little Rose is accompanying Mabel. they are an amazing pair of kittens, their owners are in for such a treat.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Love is.....

This is Tsar and Angel. Tsar appears in a lot of the kitten photographs, especially the pictures on Breeders- online. I am very lucky to receive such wonderful picture updates of these two beautiful cats. Their owner Damian Northrop is an amazing photographer .

Sunday 13 May 2012

2 years Old Today

This is Teddy who is 2 years old today. Teddy went to live in Lebanon where he has a wonderful life being treated like a Prince and pampered by his  owners.
Also 2 today is Miya. She is owned by Nik and Kirsty. Her photograph is at the top of all my webpages on the website and she has the most amazing eye colour.
Also 2 is Oscar, whilst he was here Oscar used to groom Pixie the dog. Oscar also won the affections of Jasmine the rabbit and she would follow him when ever she could.
Sutay is also two, he went to live with the lady who bred and very kindly let me have my Boris. Sutay went to carry on Boris' bloodline and hopefully Sutay now has kittens of his own. Happy Birthday Miya, Teddy, Sutay and Oscar

Thursday 10 May 2012

Solo the covergirl!

This is a picture of my wonderful cat Solo as a kitten.
Solo was a singeton kitten, she had no siblings to snuggle up to so she spent many an hour cuddled in my pocket in order to keep warm when mum cat needed a break.
As a kitten Solo became a cover girl when  her photograph was used by  Catworld magazine to promote an article about Russian's.
Three years ago today Solo had babies of her own.
Indy Maya and Nik came into the world. It was a very special day indeed, my amazing Solo having kittens of her own and she did this whilst Nik and Indy's owner was visiting!
Happy Birthday Indy, Nik and Maya.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Roman doing well

I have had a Roman update. This wonderful picture of Roman reminds me so much of a previous kitten, Amos Sebastien Blue.
I think it's the cheeky expression on Romans face that takes me back to Amos,
I'm afraid Roman still has poor table manners, I do think he may start demanding his own place setting at the table, when ever his owners dine he can't seem to grasp the concept he isn't invited!
I was also sent another lovely photo of Roman fast asleep on his owners shoulder. He had just knocked over a glass of water ??by accident, lapped up the remaining water and then curled up on a shoulder for a snooze.....with those very cute antics I very much doubt he got a telling off.

Monday 7 May 2012

The kitten Pride and the little blue mouse Prey!

Chico and his girls have hunted and killed a little blue mouse (left)  The kittens are gathered around their prey and wondering what to do next.
All the kittens have had their first round of vaccinations and are growing bigger and more confident. The little shy kitten phase has gone and they are boisterous naughty and loud!It's a good job they all look so cute and therefore easy to forgive....they all need issuing with A.S.B.O's

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Tummy tickles please!

This is Rose. She was fast asleep on her back and I couldn't resist getting the camera out. The flash woke her, and she was a little shocked and a bit upset that I had caught her in such an indignant position. Rose is normally a precious Princess but I just love the picture of her snoozing on her back....she has her dad's feet/

Tuesday 24 April 2012

I have had an update from Grace's family.
They sent me this wonderful picture of Grace in bed.
Initially Grace was not allowed in the bedroom but as time has gone by, Grace not only goes in the bedroom but she nudges her owner out of bed so that Grace can have the warm bit in the bed.
How lovely Grace looks in the picture, but I have to say, by the look in Grace's face, I do think she thinks it's her bed and her owners are allowed to share the bed with her not the other way round!