Friday 8 June 2012

This is Ana just a few hours after her neutering surgery. I have been a wreck today whilst waiting for the vet to phone to let me know Ana was fine and I could collect her.
At midday the nurse called to say everything had gone ok and that Ana could be collected at 2.30.
I picked up a wide eyed and not too pleased Ana. I brought her home and put her in a quiet room with a heat pad. The first thing she did was eat and eat. She had been starved from 7 pm the following evening but Ana behaved like she hadn't eaten for a week.
I thought Ana would want to rest but she was having none of it. Ana strolled around like nothing has happened. I am following her around in an attempt to stop her jumping but Ana just wants to be her normal self.
I have posted a picture of her incision just as a matter of interest.
Ana has had a flank incision which is fine for a |Russian cat. The vet nurse has been frugal with the shaving. I have known cats who have had nearly all the fur shaved off from around the hip so Ana's shaving and wound is quite minimal by comparison.
Ana has no "lamp shade" collar on, she is aware of her stitches but so far she has left them alone.
I haven't seen Ana use her litter tray yet but she she happy and content so I am sure all is well.
Humans would need a morphine pump and a lot of sympathy....not Ana, she is back in charge and overseeing the house as usual, wonderful wonderful girl.

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