Sunday 25 March 2012

Goodnight Bluebell

Yesterday was a fantastic day for Eris (Loveblues Lola) and me. We where at the Preston and Blackpool Cat Show and Eris won her third "CC" which now means she is a Champion. Eris has gained her award in three straight shows, what a brilliant achievement. Thank you Debbie for letting me have this wonderful little girl.
My good news though is tinge with sadness. I learnt today that Bluebell has sadly passed away after having an accident.
She was a massive character and adored by her owners. Bluebell gave back as much love as she received and would often bring back presents for her people. Gifts included wiggly worms and spiders, all of which were brought with such enthusiasm.
Bluebell has had a short but wonderful life. My thoughts are with her owners who I know are very grateful to have known her but are heart broken at her passing.

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