Friday 23 March 2012

Olive sticking out her tongue at the camera rude!

I recently received an Olive update, she has apparently turned out to be a bossy little madam. I have to say, I expected nothing less of that little Princess. She was the only girl in a litter of four and she ruled the roost from the start, in a sophisticated Queen like manner I might add,
Olive is coming for a short break in June, so it will be lovely to catch up with her in person,
Tomorrow is a bit of an exciting day for Eris and I. We are off to the Preston and Blackpool Cat Show. Eris needs to win a first in her open and to be awarded her third "CC" then she can claim the title Champion. The third "CC" always seems to be the most illusive but I have to say things are a little tense. Joining me for the day is Eris's breeder, Debbie from Loveblues. Fingers, paws and everything else crossed that our little girl comes home a Champion.....what ever the outcome, I am sure, lots of celebrator or commiserating cat shopping will be done.

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