Friday 17 February 2012

This weekend is leaving day for the kittens. They have spent just over quarter of a year with me and every moment has been wonderful. I have got to know three superb Rusike's. Accompanying  me along the way have been the kittens forever families, it has been great getting to know them also and being part of the excitement of fostering the families newest members.
Yes, there will be more kittens for me to know, and new people to meet but that does not take away a thing from any of the past kittens. Quarter of a year is a long time and these kittens are completely part of my family. Each kitten is different and I know that is hard for people to understand, especially as they can look similar, but anyone who has more than one Russian will tell you, they are not the same. They all have a uniqueness about them......gosh there are so many memories from all the tiny gray ones over the years, and I look forward to all the ruskies I have yet to get to know.

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