Sunday 4 March 2012

This is young Smudge. This little kitten has such amazing tenacity I really don't know how he does it.
He has such a strong will to live. It is quite overwhelming to see the amount of spirit this little guy has. I don't know if he will make it to adulthood but it isn't for the lack of trying.
My son is home at the moment and has affectionatly name the kitten Dobby because of the kittens giant ears and very fine fur.
I so hope this little guy makes it, he has the greatest personality and he is very much under my skin and in my heart already.....please don't break my heart little Smudge


  1. Jen & Owen, Briancat and katiecat5 March 2012 at 16:47

    Come on smudge, you can do it
    Love Briancat and katiecat xx

  2. Thanks Jen for your support
    Smudge is a happy little guy but we need all the prayers we can get x
