Sunday 8 April 2012

Happy Easter

This is Roman looking adorable on the kitten play mat.The big kittens are getting ready for their forever homes soon and it has been a roller coaster journey. Their little brother Dobby sadly died. He had an amazing personality and I wouldn't have missed him for the world. His three remaining brothers all have some of Dobby's personality traits. During the sad times these three little boys have made it all worth while
Frost also has her first litter of kittens so the house is very busy, hard work, but lots of fun.
Frost is doing a fabulous job of being a first time mum, you would never know she hadn't done this before, then again there is plenty help from all the Aunties in the house..and Button Thomas of course.


  1. Congratulations to Frost on the new arrivals. Pleased she has taken to motherhood well. Amos (currently having a whale of a time 'helping' with Bank Holiday DIY!) sends all his love xx

  2. Happy Easter Amos, Henry and all in the Birch house x
