Wednesday 21 December 2011

Tsar waiting for Santa

Yesterday was Tsar, Brian, Suki and Misti's 2nd birthday. They are amazing kittens, all very different characters but wonderful in their own special way.
Tsar and Brian are very special to me for different reasons and I am very privileged to have known these two incredable felines.
It is lovely to have updates and to know they are safe and well.

The three little kittens that are with us at the moment are proving lots of entertainment. The are 4 weeks old and have just started to eat kibble and use the litter box. When given "free" time they are charging around like Olympic athletes. they still have fat wobbly bottoms though soo cute. Astra, one of the boys is very very vocal which is unusual for a Russian. He is always getting attention and I do believe he will be spoilt rotten when he goes to his forever home as he will have something to say if his human slaves don't see immediately to his every whim!

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