Wednesday 2 November 2011


I received some lovely pictures of Luka. He was the only boy in the litter that celebrated their first birthday yesterday.
He looks so handsome. Luka is spoilt rotten and often sits on the shoulders of his humans, at night he even sleeps IN their beds!
Luka loves the outdoors and he is pictured here on his harness.
I must admit it has been a sad year for cats who have tragically died due to cars and two cats from the same litter but different families going missing. The kittens are very well socialised but the downside of this is they are over confident and perhaps too friendly for their own good. I have come across a gadget that might help people find their pets should they go missing. It is a radio controlled collar and receiver called Loc8tor Pet. If people do want to give their cats the freedom of outside I would strongly recommend this gadget. Cut and paste this link for a look at gadget, it's expensive but might offer the reassurance needed.

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